Retreat Day 1: May 3rd

Beltane                                           Beltane Moon

The Meadows, see picture below, has a sort of couch-bed, it looks like an oversized trundle bed.  I’ve slept on it before.  Not home, but it’ll do when I’m tired.  Which I am.

Tom and I drove up Hwy 65, a slower, but prettier way to get here than going up 35.  We stopped for lunch at the Red Ox, an old fashioned cafe near Andover, then drove through without stopping.

Once we made it to McGrath, we turned east and found the Dwelling in the Woods right where Tom’s GPS said it would be.  After paying our $300 for the weekend (includes all meals), Tom dropped me off at the Meadows and I unpacked, lay down for a bit, then wandered over to the Octagon, a larger facility where Tom, Warren, Frank and Charlie Haislet will stay.  Mark and Stefan are in a unit behind the Octagon.

Warren put his father into hospice care this morning, so we talked about that and how Warren felt.  His Dad expressed relief in knowing that his days have dwindled to months.  He’s 93 and his wife died earlier this year, so he’s ready.

At dinner we had chili and salad and a wonderful bread.  We also met Kina, a beautiful dog, a husky/terrier mix that got really lucky.  Her coat is a gray blue and she has tufts on her ears.  An eager, friendly girl Tom and I spent time playing with her.

With dinner behind us we adjourned again to the Octagon and started feeling our way into this strange retreat.  We talked about change, about what we’re talking about, about the past and the future.  I read Scott Simpson’s e-mail to the group and we discussed his ideas.

Later on we decided that we each needed to have time over the next couple of days to say how we see ourselves in the third phase, what particular shape its taking in our lives.  It’s out of that concrete reality that we can redesign the Woolly’s so it speaks to this stage of our lives.  I’m looking forward to that conversation.