
Beltane                                                      Garlic Moon

Over.  The last Sierra Club legcom meeting, the end of the 2012 session, a wrap up meeting and evaluation.  Over.  My return to politics, which lasted a bit over four years.  Out because after the cruise I wanted to focus on work only I could do.  That means, to me, bee keeping, garden tending, novel writing, Ovid translating and reimagining faith.

A combination of sadness and exhilaration.  Sadness because a time with good people, working on important matters, in an arena I have loved all of my life has passed for now.  Yes, a choice, a personal choice, yet, still a loss and some grief.  Exhilaration. I have made a choice and decided to guide my life in a particular direction.  That’s a positive.

Now we’ll see if the things I mentioned above and the work at the MIA is enough to hold my life together.  I think it is, probably more than enough, but more than enough in a way that will give me some synergy.

The Sierra Club work, no matter how good, involved drawing my attention away from the novel, from the Latin, from the garden and the bees.  Both the distance and the time commitments had begun to chafe.  It’s time for someone else to step up and time for me to step back.