That Mid-Point On Election Day

Samhain                                                           Fallowturn Moon

Molar, already root canaled, now planed and scaled.  This tooth has had a lot of attention, more than any other.  I hope it appreciates it all.

Our votes have been cast and the lines, across the nation, seem to be long.  It’s now the midpoint of election day, votes still being made, yet polling place closing is much closer now than their opening.  Then the counting and the projecting and the analyzing and the harrumphing and might of beens and could have dones.  Joys and sorrows.

Election time brings my fondest memories of my dad.  Watching the Eisenhower/Stevenson race until the wee hours on our little black and white television.  Going out as a poll watcher to run numbers back to the Times-Tribune.  Dissecting the races, results.  Politics were, in the beginning, a bond.  In the end it was politics that drove us apart.  Vietnam.  Remember Vietnam?

My first election as a voter was 1968.  Never missed an election since, many of them as active participant in party caucuses, conventions, campaigns.  Lot of time on the policy side, too, working Minneapolis City Council and the Minnesota State Legislature, even occasional forays out to DC.  Maybe politics have been my second vocation, running parallel to everything else.

This one has felt more like more molar, in bad need of planing, scaling.  Give me a political Cavitron with which I can trim out excess verbiage, mendacity and cowardice.