Chess. Again.

Imbolc                                                                Valentine Moon

Calibrated the TV, put the WII onto component video.  The last of the tasks I decided I wanted to finish this weekend.  Did that last night.

Now I need to get some work done.  First task.  Doesn’t seem like work, but I’ve decided to devote an hour or so a day to learning chess, from the almost ground up.  I’ve played chess off and on over the years and have had various spurts of trying to get better, but I’ve never given myself the training I need to improve.  Now, I’m going to do it.  Poked around on various chess sites and found this one,, that has very useful tutorials.   I’m doing the free ones right now, then I’ll pony up for a year’s subscription, if I’m still into it.

Keeps the mind working and it has a puzzle aspect I enjoy, too.  Like astronomy I’ve gone in and out of enthusiasms with chess, but I have a sense this time will be of longer duration.  Not sure why I feel that way, but I do.

Second task, another sentence in Jason and Medea, then on to the grocery store.