Listen to the Rhythm

Imbolc            Full Moon of Winds

We’ve had snow all afternoon and into the evening.  Don’t know how much we got, but it’s not the 6-8″ predicted.  Still, the landscape looks nicer.

I’ve got a rhythm going.  Breakfast, write one and a half to two hours, study, lunch, nap, collate research and write, workout, supper, watch some tv, read, come downstairs and do a little more writing.  Sometimes, like Monday, I write all day until I finish a project’s first draft.  This is a good rhythm.  I am productive, creative and learning.

Kate and I have the re-fi bug.  She’s done the research, the hard part of meeting with the mortgage bankers–pawns of the stupid rich.  Now we have to pick a package at an interest rate below 5% and go through the hurdles of appraisals, credit checks, underwriting and closing.  It will help our monthly nut in a big way.

Tomorrow or Thursday I’ll edit American Identity, remembering to add in the impact of national identity (it changes our political behaviors and the policies we support) and perhaps a teaser about geographic components.

A full moon, snow coming down and darkness all round.  And to all a good night.