Running Wires, Hooking This to That

18  82%  26%  omph S  bar 30.09 steady  windchill 18  Yuletide

             Waning Crescent of the Cold Moon

The writer’s strike has made TV watching more vacuous than ever, at least on the broadcast channels. 

Our HDTV will arrive on Saturday afternoon and I plan on spending a few fun hours running wires, hooking this to that and generally having a good time.  When its up and working, I’ll order HD TV from Comcast.  I admit it.  I’m excited.  Kate surprised me last week by suggesting I was something of a geek.  After some thought, I decided, well, compared to many my age, I suppose I am sort of geeky.  I read Wired Magazine and I’ve used computers since 1982, but I don’t program, which I consider sort of the dividing line between geek and techno-junky.  Still, if it’s electronic, I’m interested.

Wrote 1400 words today, a new short story.  Did it mostly to kick off the rust and get back at it.  Not sure it’s gonna go anywhere.  May head off into new country tomorrow morning, though I have tours at 12:15 and 1:30.                     

Not much going in the head tonight, focused on the Iowa process.  Way too early to know much.