What Comes First?

Beltane                                                                                       Solstice Moon

Still trying to work out a way to give the garden what it needs and my other work what it needs.  Right now, this week, I’ve decided to work outside in the morning (my best work hours) until I’m caught up on critical garden chores:  broadcasting and transplant aids, bagging the apple trees and laying down leaves for mulch for example.

(Reinier Willem Kennedy – The source of life)

I’m done with the broadcasting and transplant aids.  I have the honeycrisp done and will move on to the other two trees tomorrow.  They have fewer fruit sets so they’ll probably be roughly the equivalent of the honeycrisp.  When that’s done, I’ll use the leaves from last fall to mulch the vegetables.  Probably finish on Wednesday.

Then I’ll focus back in on the writing and translating.  Getting a regular rhythm down was a primary reason I set aside the Sierra Club work and the MIA, but this interruption comes from decisions we made long ago to grow as much of our own food as we can and to do it in a way that improves our property over time.  So it may be that the real rhythm lies in recognizing the horticultural imperatives gardening brings during the growing season, making them number one during that time and fitting the other in around them.  Probably the sensible way to go.

Any ideas a reader might have would be welcome.