Don’t Watch This Movie

Beltane                                                                            Solstice Moon

Since Mark is here from Saudi Arabia, I’m sensitized to the differences between a closed society and an open one.  That’s why watching the movie, This Means War*, starring Reese Witherspoon, tonight made me cringe.  Not only was this a poor choice on my part, it’s puerile and mostly non-funny.  We have this powerful tool, freedom of expression, and we use it to produce drivel like this?  We should be ashamed.

Not everything needs to be Citizen Kane or To Kill a Mockingbird, but it should at least exhibit some basic intelligence.   Not only should you avoid this movie, you should question my judgment in first selecting it, then watching it.  Yecccch.


Reviews Counted: 167
Fresh: 43 | Rotten: 124

 A career lowlight for all three of its likable stars, This Means War is loud, clumsily edited, and neither romantic nor funny.


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