Bee Diary: July 8, 2013

Summer                                                             New (First Harvest) Moon

Checked the bees this morning and to my happy surprise found one honey super full and the second with weight.  I added two more, shifting the full one and the partially full one to the top and the empties to the bottom.  I also added a queen excluder between the three hive boxes and the honey supers.  This prevents the queen, who should still be in the bottom or second from bottom hive box since my reversal, from laying brood in the honey supers.

(pic:  the colony with two honey supers on last week.  I added the second two today)

The nectar flow is running strong right now and the colony is also strong.  The right combination.  “Nectar flow is when one or more major nectar sources are blooming and the weather is cooperating, allowing bees to collect the nectar.”  Sweet clover is blooming now as well as