Can’t Get No Traction

Lughnasa                                                                          New (State Fair) Moon

Didn’t start my day outside yesterday and found myself feeling aimless after our meeting with Ruth.  Bounced around from this to that, never got traction until later in the day when I finished reading Rousseau’s On Inequality and watched the last two of the week’s lectures.

I don’t like feeling aimless.  It’s different from either relaxing or being focused, aimlessness occupies a nowhere land in terms of motivation, a sort of desert of intention where this happens, then that and then another thing.  It’s not the zen of the moment or being in the now, it’s not being in the now or the moment or anywhere else.  An uncomfortable feeling.

A large motivation for stopping the Sierra Club work and the MIA work was to allow a natural rhythm to surface and it has.  I work outside in the early morning, do some work on Missing until noon, nap, then take up Missing again.  When I tire of it, I work on the MOOC’s.  After that I either workout (MWF) or finish up and go upstairs to read or watch a movie or a some Netflix TV.

There are times though when that flow gets interrupted and I find it difficult to get back on track.  Yesterday was such a day.