
8/14/2013   Lughnasa                                                                                      Honey Moon

Cool weather.  Presents an interesting problem.    Honey has to have less than 18% water content to qualify as honey.  To measure this a refractometer is necessary.  I bought one.  It needs calibration; but, there’s a hitch today, the temperature.  The temperature has to be 68 degrees.  Won’t hit that until 11:00 am according to my weather websites.  I want to check the honey at 10.  On August 14th this is an issue?

I’m picking plums this morning, then I’ll do the refractometer test of the honey, after which I will, again, remove all six honey supers, remove the hopguard strips I placed last week and replace them with new ones.  My plan is better this week.  I have a desire to avoid the hassle of last week’s battle with an angry superorganism.  Aversive conditioning really does work.

Check you after it’s all over.