The Quartet

8/14/2013     Lughnasa                                                                        Honey Moon

As soon Ancientrails goes back online, I plan to create a Third Phase page.  There I will publish titles of books, movies, poems, plays, music that relates in some way to the Third Phase idea as well as continuing thinking about the idea of the Third Phase.

Kate and I watched a powerful movie tonight, soft and comedic, but also tender and challenging for us all in the Third Phase.  The Quartet.  This is a BBC movie about a home for retired musicians, Beechman House, and the lives of those who live there.  Where it challenges us is in its open-hearted support of our life passions, even after our performing days are over.  This lesson, one we often need to learn over and over again, comes at us in so many different ways in this movie.  Dustin Hoffman directed.