Energy Gathering

Lugnasa                                                                      Honey Moon


Feeling, I don’t know, untethered.  I’ve been regular with the garden and bee work, doing the usual home based things, but since I let Missing go and Latin, too, I’ve not felt like I have an anchor in my day to day.  Weird, since all the other stuff is part of my life, too, but the writing is core.  Yet I’ve wanted some space from it. Kate gave me back the manuscript a couple of days ago but I find myself resisting sitting down and entering the edits.  It feels like I’ve touched it maybe a bit too much.  I will do it though and soon. There is a sense I have, a lingering back of the head tickle, that I set stuff aside and ignore it to build up, what?  Motivation?  Impetus?  A strange kind of energy, almost guilt as a form of power.  Of course, I may have the cause and effect backwards.  It may be that the energy and the almost guilt highlight, underline, emphasize the time I spend away from a project.  Anyhow the two are mixed up together somehow and I have an odd confidence in them, that these forces will impel me back to the work I need to do without doing psychological damage in the process. Expect to see progress notes at the beginning of the week.  I can feel it coming.