
Lughnasa                                                                        Honey Moon

Lunch with Tom Crane.  Here’s a trivia question posed by Tom, one only a select few can answer, I imagine.  There are seven uniformed services in the Federal Government.  Name them.

Of course, Navy, Army, Air Force, Marines.  And most folks will get Coast Guard quickly. But the other two?  The Public Health Service.  Think the Surgeon General.  And, drum roll please for number 7, NOAA.  That’s right the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has an officer corps.  Among whom at one time was Tom Crane.

This Tom is an extraordinary guy, too.  He helped map Alaska while a NOAA officer, and since then has built what began as a private engineering practice into well-respected forensic engineering firm, Crane Engineering.  Among other things he’s the only guy I know who owns not one, but two electron microscopes.

He and his wife Roxann have become grandparents over the last year and seem as unreasonably attached to their grandson as one would expect.  Grandchildren change lives.

Since leaving the MIA and the Sierra Club, I don’t get out as often as I used to, don’t see as many folks one-on-one as I like to.  Connecting with friends like Tom means a lot to me.  Another time, Tom.