Yes, You’re Right. It’s Hillary, not Hilary.

12  86%  28%  1mph NNE bar30.09 rises windchill9  Winter

                      New Moon

If I give you a pfennig, you will be one pfennig richer and I’ll be one pfennig poorer. But if I give you an idea, you will have a new idea, but I shall still have it, too.

First, an apology to the Hillary Clinton campaign.  My chief proof reader (Kate) caught me in theft of an l from Hillary’s name.  Sorry about that, Hill.  Her win in New Hampshire should sharpen up her campaign and her campaign presence, just as it will do the same for Obama’s.  Both of them need to move a little more to the left for my tastes (ok, a lot more.), but their eventual campaign against the Republican, whoever it will be, will be stronger for having had to clarify their identities and stances.  This is what the primary season does, when it works properly, and, much to my surprise, it is.

One small step for technology this morning. Kate wants to see a documentary about Jewish Americans broadcast this evening while she’s at work.  I went into the dvr menu, found the how to record stuff, clicked a couple of times and we’re ready.  I’ll believe it when I see it, but, geez, it seemed easy.

The weather has turned cold again and I’m happy.  As if to underscore my let winter be winter and spring be spring attitude, we had a series of January tornadoes that reached as far north as Milwaukee.   This seems to define a world out of joint, whether climate change or bad luck.  Get out that book of Job.  It’s the only way to deal with this kind of random nonsense.