Bee Diary: Post extraction hive inspection September 5, 2013

Lughnasa                                                                    New (Harvest) Moon

Decent dewpoints today so I’m going to check the bee’s progress on cleaning up the four IMAG0876supers we extracted on August 21st.  A service that bees provide is cleaning up and drying out extracted frames.  They do this to make them serviceable for another season just as they would if they were within a hive in a natural setting.  Then, I can take them off and store them until the honey harvest next August.

I’ll also check today to see what the colony has done with the two frames of partially filled and uncapped frames I put back on rather than extract.  Uncapped honey in the super usually has a higher water content.  Anything with more than 18.6% moisture is technically not honey because it will ferment.  Honey with less than 18.6% moisture will keep indefinitely.

If those frames are capped, we may extract them, or I may take out the queen excluder and just let them use this honey as stores for over wintering.  I’ll let you know what I find out.