Short Takes

Lughnasa                                                             New (Harvest) Moon

Short takes:

Syria:  Stop the chemical weapons wielding tyrant by helping the increasingly Al-Qaeda led rebels?  Seems no would work.  But learning to say no is so hard.

Dennis Rodman:  Makes me wonder if Kim (his buddy, Kim) has any tats.  What would they be?  Firing squads?  Underfed peasants?  Ballistic missiles?  Rodman wants to set up a basketball league in North Korea.  Gosh.

(US Ambassador to North Korea)

Anthony Weiner for Mayor:  “Gosh.  Learning to say no is hard.” Carlos Danger

Obama and Putin:  Maybe we should have Rodman to go to Moscow.  Kim could go along.  Rebound diplomacy.

Areil Castro suicide:  As the Onion said, “Ariel Castro failed by system.”