Interlibrary Loan

Fall                                                                  Harvest Moon

Certain last century, even last millennium information transfer methods still have traction.  After a frustrating search through various book selling websites, Loki in Scandinavian Mythology was not available.  There are also no e-books of it online.

A library search did turn up a copy in the University of Minnesota Wilson Library.  But Andover occupies the exurban fringe, so close to the cornfields, so far from the U.  At first reading it at Wilson seemed like a good idea.  No.  Too much driving.  Hmmm.

Aha.  Interlibrary loan.  Sure enough, I went on the Anoka County Library Website and located a way to enter a request for this book from Wilson library.  The system, for free, delivered it to my local library, the Rum River Library and on Monday I went over and picked it up.  It has to be back in three weeks, by October 14th, no renewals.  Doesn’t matter.  I’ll finish with it well before then.

Let’s hear a cheer for physical copies and librarians.

Yes, but.  Let’s hear another cheer for the folks busily scanning books in to great digital depositories so maybe the next time a hard to locate book is needed, it has a copy in the Great Library, the one in the Cloud.