In St. Paul

Fall                                                                      Samhain Moon

Sheepshead.  I had some good cards tonight, but mostly not.  Made some hands, missed leaf tea bowlothers.  A streak here, but not one I’d prefer to continue.

(This Sung dynasty tea bowl is one of my favorite objects in the MIA’s collection.)

Came into St. Paul early and went over to the Tea Store on Cleveland.  It is near the theatre with Vina on one side and on the other the site of the place we rented videos when we lived on Edgcumbe Road.

I was in search of a tea spoon.  No, really.  I wanted a measure for the chinese tea so I can become more regular in the amounts of tea I use.  They had that.  I also bought some puer tea, tea formed into a cake and chipped off with a puer knife, then steeped.  Seemed interesting and it’s a type of tea I’ve not tried.  I also picked up some more white tea, which I’ve come to enjoy.


It was fun being back in the Highland neighborhood, a place I enjoyed living.  A lot of interesting shops, a great grocery store.

Bill and I had supper at Pad Thai and shook our heads at the Tea Party.  We both find ideological blinders a poor way to run a political party and no way at all to run a government.