Go Now, The Growing Season Has Ended

Fall                                                                          Samhain Moon

Today chain saw bar and dental hygiene.  Real gritty home stuff.  A bit more Latin, of course.  My paperweight is still in the annealer.  Cooling down.  I can get it Wednesday.  It will sit next to my Father’s Day mug I made at Northern Clay Center.  Back to kindergarten only now I’m making my projects for myself.  Is this the beginning of the second childhood I’ve heard so much about?

The hosta and coleus have all gathered in on themselves, drooping in that post-frost finale.  As the Minnesota Updraft Blog said:  The Growing Season Ends.  It ended for us here last week when we pulled the tomato plants, the egg plants, the beets and the last of the greens.  Frost bit plants look hurt, their cell walls burst by ice, what was contained now loose and sharp.

This is the way the growing season ends, not with a bang, but a droop.