The Groove

Samhain                                                                Thanksgiving Moon

Usually I break up my day into chunks:  writing, translating, learn something new. Right now that means Missing, version 5.0, Ovid: Lycaon’s story and Dramatica, the writing software. After that I work out, eat supper, watch some TV, usually a British detective show these days and, following Kate’s going to bed, I read.  During the growing season I might plant or tend the bees, do something with the fruit trees, check how plants have grown, spray or put down a soil drench in the Ag Labs program.  And there’s always the garage.

Today was different.  I got into Missing and found a groove, a revisionary groove.  It kept lighting up the aha board in my head, so I followed it, working longer than normal at writing, in fact, working the whole day.  That’s usually hard to do, makes my head ache after a while, but not today.  No idea why.  Still, I’ll take it.  I’m getting closer to the end of this fifth revision.  I want to finish it before the first of December.