Missing 5.0

Samhain                                                    Thanksgiving Moon

Missing 5.0 is done.  I’ll compile it tomorrow, make it into a word doc and ship it by e-mail to Quickproofs.  I’ve arranged a payment mechanism with them.  When that’s done, I’ll review Bob’s work, make changes.

The next step is getting it out to agents and I already have a good list, though I plan to look at more in the coming week.  E-mail makes the whole process so much easier now.

If you can imagine me with two fists in the air, a slight smile on my face, well, that’s the way I feel right now.  This is not a perfect draft, it still has flaws, but it’s the best draft I’ve created by far.  All the beta readers, all the revising has made it stronger and more coherent.  This is the right time to let go of it and see how it does on its own.

That also means that I’ll crank up my Dramatica learning this week since I want to use it in writing Loki’s Children.  More Latin and research into the Norse myths.  Enough to keep me busy while Kate’s away.