My Faith: Reimagined

Samhain                                                                     Winter Moon

I needed the philosophical last night because the cards ran strong against me at sheepshead.  Near the end I picked on weak hands just to have a part in the game.

The current state of my reimagined faith is a lumpy stew, made of bits from here and there, but that in itself may be a sign of the transitional time in which we live, a transition from Enlightenment certainty to the post-modern uncertain, from Modern meta-narratives that guided life to post-modern personal narratives.

What would a more compact version look like?  The Great Wheel positions us in this world and affirms our part in an ongoing and ever renewing cycle of life.  This cycle allows us to see that our efforts are not futile or meaningless, but additive and communal.  In both the additive and communal senses our life work can (should?) enrich our own lives and the lives of others.  An important, even central, aspect of this work right now involves creation of a sustainable human footprint on planet Earth.

That’s not bad.