Winter Time Archaeology

Imbolc                                                                   Valentine Moon

Finished first draft of my query letter.  It includes a synopsis of Missing, about 1,500 IMAG0365words, and the first five pages.  Missing itself, after revision 5.5, is at 103,000 or so.  I want to get some feedback on the query letter, then start sending it out to agents.  My plan is to get it out to 10 agents before I leave for Tucson and other points south west.

(June 5th, 2013)

That took the morning.  Tomorrow I’m putting together our seed and plant orders, calculating the kinds of nitrogen they will need based on the bed sizes for specific vegetables and getting an order for the nitrogen off to Luke Lemmer in Plato, Minnesota.  This is in plenty of time since our vegetable beds, raised about 18 inches off the ground, are invisible now.  It would require winter time archaeology to find them.

The Vegetable Garden
The Vegetable Garden

This is part of why I like four distinct seasons.   Planning a garden while 3 feet of snow lie in our yard and the temperature is in the teens headed toward the teens below makes the full cycle of life an experience rather than abstraction.

(February 21, 2014)