During the Deluge: Ovid

Spring                                                           Bee Hiving Moon

Spent today reimmersing myself in Ovid.  Pleased to see that I could get in and start swimming right away in spite of the two week’s absence. Preparing for my Friday tutoring session with Greg so I’m back in the beginning of the deluge:  Book I, 262-312.  Here’s a great, long image from the beginning.


264b …The South Wind flies on water-soaked wings,

265  he covers his terrible visage with pitch-black gloom,

266 his beard heavily laden with violent storms, water streams from the hoary white hair of his head,

267 clouds rest upon his brow, his wings and breast shed water,

268 with his hand he pressed wide the hanging clouds,

269  a crashing noise is made:  here the dense violent storms

270 are poured out from the sky.