10 Feet High and Risin’

Beltane                                                                 Emergence Moon

“A large section of the mighty West Antarctica ice sheet has begun falling apart and its continued melting now appears to be unstoppable…If the findings hold up, they suggest that the melting could destabilize neighboring parts of the ice sheet and a rise in sea level of 10 feet or more may be unavoidable in coming centuries.” NYT

(see this website for a clickable version of the map to the right. It shows, in gray and orange here, states affected at that level of sea rise.)

“WASHINGTON — The accelerating rate of climate change poses a severe risk to national security and acts as a catalyst for global political conflict, a report published Tuesday by a leading government-funded military research organization concluded.”  NYT 

I see these things. I know the road ahead and it is difficult. Yet, there are Ruth and Gabe. And your grandchildren, too. Then, the children they too will have. And imagine the world in which they will have to live.

All this demands a piece of me for as long as I’m able. Some of us have to lean on the horn until folks start coming out of the building to see what’s going on.