Get To Colorado Happy About the Move

Beltane                                                              Emergence Moon

In move. This is the space where I live these days, with matters to attend to at home, in the garden, with service providers and in Colorado. There are more pieces to juggle for the next year or so, but I’m looking forward to each one of them.

Gentle Transitions was not the service I imagined, but SortTossPack just might be. Thanks to Bill Schmidt for pointing me to a website where I found them.

Kate and I know how to work together, how to get things done, so we’ll manage this. She’s good at the details; I can keep perspective on the big picture. In my mind we have three large tasks. The first is to establish a realistic budget which includes an estimated cost of the move itself and the amount of home we can afford to purchase in Colorado. We have sessions with Ruth Hayden and RJ, our financial consultants, that will push that task forward. The second big task is to downsize/declutter, not so much to move into a smaller space, though we probably will, but to simplify our life and make sure we move only things we love.  William Morris, the famous arts and crafts designer said, “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” The third task is put this house on the market and sell it.

Within the limits of what we can afford I want to do as little of this as possible, but as much as I need to. Only I can downsize my library by half. Only I can sort through items of a lifetime and send many (most?) to a new life apart from me. In other instances, well, let the mover/organizer/realtor do it.

My overall goal is to get to Colorado happy about the move, the process and our home there. That translates into doing this work at a reasonable pace, spread out over time, utilizing money and personal muscle in appropriate amounts and finding humor in it all.