much better now

Lughnasa                                                         Lughnasa Moon

Remember when you used to have to go to the store, pick out items, stand in line to pay and then pack them up in your own car and take them home? Of things I recall as emblematic of the past-dial phones, transistor radios, cold winters-this is something I miss not at all.

When the Sears and Montgomery-Ward catalogs came (speaking of things of the past) to rural areas of the U.S. back in the early 20th century, it must have been a similar feeling. Without a long trip to a city an order could be placed by mail and the train would deliver it right to the station. I imagine a dray man would bring it on out to the farm for a price.

Today I got moving supplies: bankers boxes, plastic file boxes and specialized boxes for moving art. The UPS guy brings the boxes to the doors, rings the bell to let me know they’re here and all I have to do is bring them inside. So much better than that old fashioned trip to the mall.