By September 18th

Lughnasa                                                                Lughnasa Moon

We’ve set another SortTossPack date, September 18th. By this point my goal is to have all the books that will go to Halfprice Books ready. The remainder of the books-everything but those I need right now-will also be packed as well as all the art and smaller objects from the study. The garden study, which I plan to complete packing this weekend will be empty of books and files as will the main room in the basement.

At this point we’ll be down to shelving units, desks, file cabinets and cabinets, some of which will go to the consignment shop and some of which will go into storage. On the 18th we’ll probably put a good bit of our stuff into storage unless we decide to save that until later.

After the second SortTossPack day, we plan to have the garage floor epoxied and the basement floor if necessary. Sometime in that same period we’ll have the driveway seal coated, the remainder of the outdoor handyman work done and the lawn work contractor will complete the necessary pruning, leveling and mending.

We want to get most of this done before winter sets in so we don’t add to the confusion with water and mud.

Fortunately, we have the financial resources to do all this and the work inside, mostly painting and some minor repairs. This is all in service of getting the house and grounds in optimal shape for putting the place on the market.

Continuing my circus tent analogy, some stakes are up, some ropes are slack, but the canvas is still in place and the center poles still hold everything taut. Still, even a casual observer would know now that the circus was getting ready to leave town.