
Lughnasa                                                               College Moon

Finished up the story of Daphne and Apollo. As Daphne changed into a laurel, Apollo grabbed onto her branches and threw his arms around her trunk, feeling her agitated heart still beating there. He declares his love to the tree (Classical humor) and then proclaims the laurel dedicated to him. It will henceforth adorn great achievements including triumphs in Rome and stand before the door to the house of the great Augustus.

(Apollo Daphne Appiani)

On Friday I’m going to renegotiate my relationship with Greg. Not sure what comes next but what we’re doing has become repetitive. I would like now to have a task, an assignment, a sort of final paper, something I could work on over a given period of time and then show to him. Don’t really know what I’m talking about here, but I feel ready to move to a different level or a different set of tasks. Something.

More on this later.