A Productive Week

Lughnasa                                                                                 College Moon

At 11:30 am today I had to leave Caesar’s description of Orgetorix’s agreement to a plot against his own people, the Helvetians, and pay the seal-coater. It was a sudden and complete disjunction.

Most of the exterior work is done, with the exception of the landscape crew yet to come. There’s also the Seven Oaks metal sign to have made and hung on the mail-box post. Some things remain on the inside, but they’ll come nearer to the time we put the house on the market, or move, whichever comes first.

It’s been a busy and productive week. The biggest accomplishment was Kate’s securing our preapproval for a second mortgage in Colorado.

We’ve made steady, regular progress since late April and will need to continue right up to the move. Once we’re in Colorado we’ll have a different set of tasks, settling in, adjusting. I’m ready for them, too.