Obama a Good President

Lughnasa                                                           College Moon

Another America Votes meeting tomorrow. I can imagine gnashing of teeth since the political winds look like they’re blowing in the Republican direction. A mid-term election with light turn-out and gerrymandered districts in the House mean a continued Republican stranglehold on the House of Representatives and a possible pick-up of a majority in the Senate.

I agree with those who have analyzed Obama as a much better than average president, in spite of his low approval ratings. Why? Because he’s had fractious Republican majorities in the house since 2010 and a weakened Democratic majority in the Senate. In spite of those he’s passed the first major reform of our healthcare system, held to a principled foreign policy that tries to avoid entanglements abroad (whether this is wise or not is another question.), pulled troops out of both Iraq and Afghanistan, overseen the recovery from a banker driven financial catastrophe and finally begun to push for meaningful climate change action.

Did I mention that he’s the first black president and has had racist nutjobs on his trail the entire time?

Politics is about what’s possible, not about what’s ideal. In the arena of the possible Obama has shown remarkable ability to get things done.