
Samain                                                                           New (Moving) Moon

The study will be finished this morning. Wow. Then I’ll sort files until Kate’s ready to take yet another pass through all of our clothes. After that, who knows? Dancing in the streets?

A month from now we should have been reunited with our stuff. That will mark the beginning of the next phase, moving in. To be followed by settling in. The UU ministry has an interesting term for a minister who has been hired by a church. They are considered settled. Settled will be the culmination of the move itself. Maybe a year from now? Hard to say.

Moving in, settling in and being settled operate on our time frame and have financial expectations that we can control. They will, in that sense, be less fraught. Of course, the sale of this house will be an issue, but it will happen.

So far the days around the purchase of Black Mountain Drive and the mortgage approval have been the most stressful. May it continue to be so.