
Samain                                                                Moving Moon

As the moving moon wanes, so does our presence here. After breakfast and last minute adjustments to our various cargoes, Kate and I will go to Armstrong Kennels to pick up our pack. Armstrong has been a wonderful place for our dogs. We’re remembered there as the customers who “once had five Irish Wolfhounds.”

I feel lighter today, untethered at last from the seemingly endless stream of things and tasks related to packing and getting ready to leave. Over several months now I’ve operated well outside my comfort zone, especially so since the closing on October 31st. There is something positive about working there, but too much for too long. I look forward to getting back to the computer, back to the writing, back to letting my mind wander.

Settling in on Black Mountain Drive will, of course, take time and will not be without its own challenges, yes. But. It will have the added joy of a new life, new eco-system, more time with family. We’re ready for all of that. The upside, the 8,800 feet upside.