
Winter                                                      Settling Moon

Mike the Fence guy came by and got his final check. He said he has a trolley today. Trolley? His neighbor has two Belgian horses and they do trolley rides for various groups, decorating the trolley for the event. He’s a general purpose guy, “I do a lot of things.” We’ll use him to haul away all the cardboard from unpacking, for example.

His resemblance to John Goodman, in habitus, mannerisms and voice is uncanny. He could be a movie double for him easily.

Talking to him today made feel good again about using him for the fence. He knows folks who do all sorts of things, “I’ve lived here 23 years and I know a lot of people.” Local connections are important living in a rural area and we’ve made at least one good one already.

Kate met a woman at the bank who moved here from England a couple of years ago. She said her mother, instead of moving here to be near the grandkids, “moved to Spain.”