Settling Moon II

Winter                                                        Settling Moon

Have a feeling there will be a settling moon II, the first in the almost 10 year history of Ancientrails. We’re making regular, steady progress, this after that, but we moved a house full of belongings and have to find new spots for everything.

The first packed, my books, may well be the last unpacked as we move through many other spaces before the loft gets my full attention. It’s had a little since I had to set up my main desktop computer. Each time I go up I open a box, take things out, put them on shelves. At some point, with the books, I’ll have to stack them on the floor since the disassembled book-shelves will go up where book boxes form three deep piles, three boxes high.

No more silence, at least not down here in the living room where I’m writing on my laptop. The boiler behind me gurgles, pops, clanks softly and water courses softly through the pipes, a hum. Even so, the overall effect is one of quiet, a top of the mountain, far from the city and its light pollution, quiet.