Winter Settling Moon
Rug down. Chair in place. Many boxes yet to open. But I’m over half done with the initial phase, the unpacking. Putting up bookshelves, then reordering my library still to come.
Colorado plates came today. I’ll put them on tomorrow.
Hunting for the box in which I put many of my usb cables, my webcam, the microphone and headset. Unfortunately no way to distinguish it from all the other boxes.
Coming from Minnesota, I didn’t believe this, but it happened today. The temperature rose and melted the snow off our driveway with no intervention by me at all. Amazing.
Meanwhile in Minnesota it’s been very cold and the flu season has taken a heavy toll, especially among the Woollies.
The painter called today and said he’d finished. This is the repainting of the Andover house. The new carpet goes in tomorrow. Then, a clean-up, staging and the house will go on the market when the weather cooperates. Exciting from our vantage point.