Just Another Day In Paradise

Weather:   Another Sunny Day in Paradise!   8:13 AM Maui Time
Aloha , all you wind-whipped, wind-chilled center of the continent land lubbers!

As I write this, the Pacific washes up on a white sand beach, birds gibber in the palms off my 8th floor lanai and the temperature heads toward 80 degrees.

Thanks to my recent work in Taoism, I’m trying to reframe my expectations of air travel.  I now consider it a sort of gauntlet or trial by combat necessary before one wins the hands of the fair lady, the Islands.  All in all the trip was not bad, save for an hour and a half spent wandering among slot machines, blinking lights, hurried travelers trying to find the ATA counter, which was, as in O’Hare of old, the maximal distance from I came in and resulted in an equally long trek back to get the gates.  Sigh.

Got to Maui at 7:35 PM Maui time, 11:45 PM CST.  There is nothing else on the planet like the smell of Hawaii.  It caresses  you the minute you arrive and lets you know you’ve come back at last.

Had a strange experience about a half hour out from Maui.  I begin to feel I was coming home.  You know this feeling, the warm secure sense that a place of safety and comfort awaits you, a place where are you are welcome and where you belong.  Don’t know what to make of it, except that I liked it.

In order to connect to you, dear reader, I spent 20 minutes with the Bangalore cyber connection goosing the net to the room so I could finally get on the web.  Now, I’m going to breakfast.  Catch you later.