
Lughnasa                                                                   Elk Rut Moon

Orion continues to greet me as I go to the garage to let the dogs out in the early morning, usually around 5:15 am. While in Indiana, I drove past what I think was the factory where I worked as a security guard and first became on intimate terms with him. It was 45+ years ago and the corporation for which I worked has gone bankrupt. They made cookware. Those long nights in the guard shack, 11-7, punctuated by hourly walks with the leather clock which recorded visits to each station with a key, gave me plenty of time to look at the night sky in wonder.

(Just to make me feel even older, I found this picture under the heading antique security guard timeclocks.)

Sure, I studied some, but reading philosophy while sleep deprived was not easy. The weekend stirred a lot of memories, not least seeing the factory where Orion and I quietly kept watch.