
Lughnasa                                                                    Kate’s Moon

Gosh, the problems of the modern age. My fitness/sleep tracker, a Jawbone UP3, stopped synching. Annoying. When I sent a note to customer support, no response. None. Hmm. So, I clicked news on Jawbone for a google search. Oh. Liquidation, July 2017. Well, that explains it.

Over time I’ve become pleased with being able to track my steps and my sleep, the constant feedback helps me modify my behavior in certain directions like more regular sleep times and more steps during the day. I found this motivating. To suddenly go without it is, well, annoying and frustrating. But, of course, really only means going back to the way things were before. Spent a half hour looking at other options this morning. I really liked that the UP3 allowed me to wear when it I showered and sleep tracking for this insomniac has assisted me a lot. Nokia Steel HR. Not out yet, but this fall. I’ll wait.