The Ex-Urb

37  bar steady 29.89 0mph SSE dewpoint 34 Spring

           Waning Crescent Moon of Winds

Still absorbing the arguments from the Brueggman lecture on sprawl.  I want to write more when I’ve integrated his thoughts and decided fully how I feel about them. 

The exurban life, the one I’ve lived for the last 14 years, has some distinct pluses.  We have enough land that we can alter the landscape in positive ways.  We can contemplate, for example, adding ponds, a gravity driven stream, an orchard, changing out our lawn for prairie grass and wildflowers or fruit and nut trees, even vegetable gardens.  I don’t know how far we’ll go with all this, but the more I learn about permaculture, the more it makes sense, not only for us.

Also, the relatively isolated nature of our land, both in terms of our neighbors, who are least 2.5 acres away, and  our distance from the metro, over 30 miles, creates a sense of privacy that nurtures creative activity.  As an introvert, I have found this life a perfect fit.

Anyhow, gotta go.  Discovered late last night I do have a tour today.  See ya.