
Winter                            Waxing Cold Moon

“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right temporarily defeated is stronger than evil triumphant.”   MLK

Today has been a rest day, at least from the grandkids.  Jon and Jen are back at work and I head over there at 5:00 for  our dinner out this evening.

I wrote all morning, pushing my draft further along.  It’s going well in a way that surprises me, flowing for the most part.  It makes me feel good, productive in a way other things don’t, even the garden and politics.  I suspect that’s because it is an act with little in t he way of intermediaries, at least in the creative phase and in that regards represents me most fully.

Of course, that’s also the frightening part, the exposure of the Self to others with no screens, no personas.