What’s Next?

Beltane and the Moon of Sorrow

Monday gratefuls: Ancient friends, well-spoken. Ali Baba Grill, their gyros. Seoah loves it. So do I. Maria’s Empanadas. Kate’s choice. All ordered takeout. Those two Elk. Kate’s sisters on Zoom. Ruth, with mask on, protesting with Black Lives Matter. The protests, violent and non-violent. Bunkerman. The military standing up to Bunkerman. Cool mountain mornings. Dandelions. Grass.

Where might all of this protesting go? Reparations? Always a controversial topic. For those with white privilege. David Brooks has an interesting column on reparations.

Defund the police? What does that even mean. Here’s a Washington Post article that gives some ideas. This idea is new to me and I’ve got to read more about it.

I have a good deal of experience with neighborhood organizations, neighborhood level economic development, housing policies, social programs conceived and delivered at the neighborhood level. The diagnosis in Brooks’ article makes sense to me. The solution less so.

Got started with this, went down to eat breakfast, worked out. Forgot it. I’ll get back it tomorrow or so.