What do I need to do to get back to the creative life?

This is a spread I did on Saturday. The question is in the title. The cards I drew correspond to certain responses to that question. That’s the first phrase in the descriptions below. The conclusion is my summary of what I learned.

  1. Queen of Pentacles
  2. The Lord
  3. Six of cups
  4. King swords
  5. 8 of cups
  6. 8 of wands




?What do I need to do to get back to creative life?


  • One. The conscious issue is my work, my career. In effect extending the idea of work into my fourth phase. Perhaps unnecessarily.
  • Two. The point of tension is the Lord. This resonates with myself as a man, a worker who finds worth in the work.
  • Three. The way to resolution lies in the emotional realm. In this case a deeper connection with the Arapaho National Forest, Shadow Mountain, Black Mountain. Maxwell Creek. And a deeper connection to the Hermitage. The mini-splits, the kitchen remodel, furniture rearrangement, and repair.
  • Four. The unconscious inner block. Yes, it’s my intellect. My analytical side. The animus of swords sits in tension with the anima of pentacles. Kept problematic by the Lord.
  • Five. The pivot of change. Let go of the old path to creativity. Not sure what it was. But let it go anyhow. I may need to take a holiday, rededicate myself to my work. Recharge.
  • Six. The key to harmony lies in attuning myself to a natural flow, rhythm.




Conclusion (for now):


Wait until the Hermit sign is here. The kitchen remodeled. The couch reupholstered and refinished. Furniture moved. Hopefully by the Winter Solstice.


On the Winter Solstice let go of the ways of the past, as many as I can: the way I used to cook and eat, the way I exercise, even when I

write ancientrails.


X out the old routines and rethink them with a new life in mind, one more focused on the natural world up here, on the house and life within it.


Then, wu wei myself forward or sideways or backwards. Following the water course way.