
Samhain                                               Waxing Thanksgiving Moon

Headed out early today to a UofM Institute for Advanced Studies conference on dams.  The focus is on dams as an area of study, but the sub rosa agenda covers the problems dams pose, not only ecologically I learned yesterday at the keynote lecture, but also politically and “extra-scientifically.”  Extra-scientific refers to the ways good science gets bent by political objectives into motivation for or rationale for something motivated by other factors, often geopolitical in nature.

Gotta write here about my tour yesterday for the Rochester Friends.  I kept losing folks as the tour went on and I didn’t feel I connected with them.  Left me in a down place, but determined to do a better job on my next Thaw tour.

A winter storm watch posted for Andover, 6″ of wet snow.  About time.