• Tag Archives Hurricane Irene
  • A Little Late Night Darkness

    Lughnasa                                                                     Waning Honey Extraction Moon

    Well.  5.8 earthquake on the EAST coast.  Hurricane Irene bearing down on a direct line with the eastern seaboard.  Astronomers have seen a black hole swallowing a star.


    Rapture Index 183
     Net Change    -1

    A fire and brimstone preacher of the old guard would doubtless see these events as apocalyptic messages sent in God’s Old Testament form.  Doubt it.

    Nature continues violent, ruthless and heartless, a force beyond our imagining, a force our understanding cannot diminish and a power our technology cannot dominate.

    We came out of the darkness and will return to the darkness.  These are the messages in these events.  Read them and weep.