• Tag Archives Osama Bin-Laden
  • Bin-Laden

    Beltane                                                          Sliver Bee Hiving Moon

    Dead.  Bin-Laden dead.  The news says so.  Obama says so.  Can’t imagine it would be news offered unless compelling evidence existed to prove it.  News reports claim they have his body.  A feeling of relief, exhilaration.  Then, shame.  Shame at being glad anyone is dead.  Those feelings ten years ago this September still pulse in me, make me mad, make me want closure.  This is a closure of sorts, maybe of a major degree.

    Of course, with all things political there is the action, Bin-Laden killed by US, then there will be the reaction.  Alinsky always said the action is in the reaction.  The question though always is, what will the reaction be?

    I can imagine bluster, more direct attempts at terrorist acts.  I can picture rage and riots and attacks against US embassies and US corporation and individuals.  But I can also imagine this as a fever that, once run its course, may lead to a calmer, less polarized situation.  God, I hope so.

    I’m a little surprised at the depth of my reaction to the news, though I imagine it links back directly to 9/11 and those feelings.