Spring Waning Bee Hiving Moon
A Titian tour this morning with students from Harding High School in East St. Paul. My group was largely Asian, Hmong for the most part. They were attentive and responsive. At the end Peng and Veng, two boys who had shown a lot of interest, reached out and shook my hand. An adult gesture. Surprised me. Made me feel surprisingly good, too.
Second tour, also from Harding, had kids in a drawing class focused on a project to produce symbolic portraits of themselves. An interesting tour to design, to think through. Not sure how this group, also all Asian though with some Chinese students, too, reacted. They were more closed off, but remained engaged through eye contact.
After that, over to the Sierra Club to return the material from yesterday’s event at North Hennepin Community College. Spent a half-hour talking to Margaret about mining, volunteers, fund-raising, then drove home in the heart of rush hour. Bushed.