Full Garlic Moon

Beltane                                                             Garlic Moon

The garlic moon is full and we still have no scapes on our garlic.  Will they be late this year?  I’m not sure.  One thing I’ve finally learned is that no growing season is typical and the garlic, planted in September, grows ten months or so.  That means it went through this unusually mild winter.  Could it have affected its growth?  I suppose, though I don’t know how.

The potatoes took off while I was gone.  They are vegetable interlopers in a bed dug out between large clumps of hemerocallis.  We also have vegetable interlopers in a bed out front, three tomato plants and two peppers.

As trees mature in and around our vegetable garden in the back, shade is beginning to limit the beds that receive enough sun to grow vegetables.  I know we could cut them down, but at this point I’m more inclined to plant shade lovers and give up the space.  Part of shifting the garden gradually toward less and less maintenance.

Kate has a summer focus.  Weeds.  She’s determined and when she’s determined, things get done.  The beds look so much better sans weeds.