Working With the Flow

Beltane                                                             Garlic Moon

Sauteed garlic scapes, olives and  bit of yellow bell pepper in olive oil and butter, used over a large bowl of spaghetti.  Didn’t come quite like I imagined, not enough garlic taste, but still tasty.  Kate’s made several strawberry rhubarb pies, one of which we ate at the Woolly’s last night after our meal at Jack O’Connors Irish Pub.  The garlic itself should be harvestable soon, when three of the outer leaves have gone brown.  One and a half right now.

We’ve already had asparagus and onions.  The garden begins to produce fairly early in the growing season and continues right through though the crescendo hits in early September.

It’s been rainy to check on the bees but I put second hive boxes on both colonies this week, so they should be fine for the near term anyhow.  Plenty of expansion room, no need to swarm.  Still building up workers and the nectar flows on us.  I’m beginning to wonder about my new strategy of buying new bees each year.  Takes a good bit of time for them to grow colony.  An overwintered colony would have been making honey for almost a month now.

Diving back into Latin today.  I need to stay at the Latin with substantial work each week to keep myself fresh.  My learning leaks away, takes time to regather if I step away for longer than a week.

Sometime in the next week or so, I plan a deck-clearing. Pile sorting and re-filing, re-shelving, discarding.  Getting things in what passes for order in this work area.  When I do, I’m going to start Loki’s Children, Book II of the Tailte Trilogy.

Haven’t done much work on the reimagining faith project in a while.  Need to get back at it sometime this summer, too.